Assembled Diary (2023)

for piano, actor, conducted ensemble, camera , video and electronics

Pianist: Melissa Evans Tierra
Actor: Yifan Guo
Conductor: Steven Schick
Palimpsest Ensemble (flutist Anita Chandavarkar, clarinetist Grace Talaski, violinist Myra Hinrichs, cellist Robert Bui, bassist Andrew Crapitto, and percussionist Camilo Zamudio)
Videographer: Zehao Wang
Live audio/video operator: Han Zhang
Sound/visual design: Yifan Guo

Video edited by Yifan Guo, Hanxuan Wang, and Han Zhang

Assembled Diary revolves around the fragmented memories of my time with my grandfather multi-dimensionally when I was a child. In my memory, there are four unforgettable things my grandfather would often do. The first is making sure the whole family’s life stayed on the right track. Due to his wartime childhood experiences and the unpredictability of early life, a stable and peaceful family life was the ultimate happiness for him. The second thing is "supervising" my life. He was like a monitoring camera, a location tracker, a food deliverer, or a morning alarm. Additionally, supervising my piano practice is one of the most memorable things – I hated practicing piano as a child, and he would "fulfill his duty" and ensure I kept practicing whenever I tried to sneak off. The third thing is channel surfing – he endlessly switched TV channels, only stopping for badminton or table tennis matches, or propaganda movies or TV dramas. The last thing is sitting in a trance – he could enter his own spiritual world and be in a trance under any condition.

During the compositional process, I constantly recalled my childhood—the period when I spent the most time with my grandfather. I visited the place where we used to live, trying to reconstruct the memories that had slipped away over the years. While I was there, those fragmented memories flew and flickered in my mind, interweaving with the current scene. These fascinating, warm, and casual images blurred the line between past and present, and I wanted to be immersed in this forever! Later, I decided to recreate this unthinking yet deconstructivist-like experience in this piece, where the act of seeking childhood memories transforms into an exhilarating memory itself. In the last several years of his life, he had mild symptoms of memory problems. Even though his health deteriorated and could not be slowed down, he cared deeply for my family and me. Unfortunately, I could not finish the piece before he died—I still wish he could feel the infinite love and longing I tried to convey here.

The stage consists of three main "characters": a grandfather sitting on a sofa watching TV, a younger version of "me" practicing the piano, and a chamber ensemble responsible for "accompaniment" and foley. These three elements interweave through the use of cameras or events within the work, creating a multidimensional interaction both on and beyond the stage. The cameras not only serve as an extension of the stage space but also symbolically act as the grandfather's perspective, projecting his observations and memories.

This work was composed in 2023, dedicated to my grandfather. It complements Rainification (for installation e-guitar system), which was dedicated to my grandmother, together forming a diptych. My grandparents passed away in January and July 2023 respectively, at the ages of 76 (grandmother) and 83 (grandfather). They are the people who took care of my life when I was a child. I aim to bring these lovely memories to life through my music, ensuring they remain forever in my works and my heart.

This section feels inadequate in expressing my deepest gratitude to the exceptional individuals who played pivotal roles in this journey. I want to acknowledge my grandfather, Chengbiao Feng (冯成彪), whose spirit provided me with constant support throughout the entire composition process. To my mother, Danwei Feng (冯丹薇), your boundless love and video materials capturing precious moments to my grandfather have been an invaluable source of inspiration. I extend sincere thanks to conductor Steve Schick, whose outstanding leadership and enduring patience brought this premiere to fruition. Lastly, heartfelt appreciation to my friends, Han Zhang (张涵) and Zehao Wang (王泽昊) – your unwavering encouragement and companionship breathed life into this project, making it a reality beyond my dreams.

Assembled Diary was premiered at Conrad Prebys Concert Hall at the University of California, San Diego on December 7th, 2023 by conductor Steven Schick, Palimpsest Ensemble (flutist Anita Chandavarkar, clarinetist Grace Talaski, violinist Myra Hinrichs, cellist Robert Bui, bassist Andrew Crapitto, and percussionist Camilo Zamudio), Pianist Melissa Evans Tierra, videographer Zehao Wang, live audio/video operator Han Zhang and the composer took the actor part.

Past Performance:

  • Steven Schick, Palimpsest Ensemble, Melissa EvansTierra, Yifan Guo, Han Zhang, and Zehao Wang | Conrad Prebys Concert Hall at the University of California, San Diego | 12/7/2023



钢琴:Melissa Evans Tierra
指挥:Steven Schick
Palimpsest Ensemble (长笛 Anita Chandavarkar, 黑管 Grace Talaski, 小提琴 Myra Hinrichs, 大提琴 Robert Bui, 低音提琴 Andrew Crapitto, 打击乐 Camilo Zamudio)
摄影师: 王泽昊


《组装记忆》是一部围绕我童年时期与外公生活的记忆碎片而创作的作品。在我脑海里,四件外公经常做的事情给我留下了异常深刻的印象。第一件是确保我们家每个人皆生活在 “正常”的状态。或许由于他出生在战争年代,早年生活波折,看到家人们一切顺利对他来说是种无上的幸福。第二件是监督我的起居饮食——他就像是我的监控摄像头、外卖员、定位系统或是闹钟,与外婆一起把我的生活照顾得细致入微。他还会监督我练钢琴(我小时候最讨厌练琴),不允许我开一点小差。第三件是坐在沙发上看电视并且不断转台,唯独红色电影电视剧或者羽毛球/乒乓球比赛能让他驻足。最后,却是最真神奇的是,他能在一切场合发呆,随时进入自己的精神世界。




在此,我向在这部作品中扮演重要角色的人表示最诚挚的感谢。首先,感谢的外公,冯成彪,他的精神支持是这次创作最重要的支柱。其次,感谢我的妈妈,冯丹薇,她的爱和视频素材是无尽的灵感来源。第三,感谢指挥家史蒂夫·希克(Steve Schick),他杰出的领导能力和艺术修养使得这部作品变成了现实。最后,感谢我的好友张涵和王泽昊,这部作品的完成离不开他们的精神鼓舞与专业帮助。

《组装记忆》于2023年12月7日在加州大学圣地亚哥分校康莱德普雷比斯音乐厅首演。演出人员包括指挥Steve Schick、重写本乐团(长笛Anita Chandavarkar、黑管Grace Talaski、小提琴Myra Hinrichs、大提琴Robert Bui、低音提琴Andrew Crapitto、打击乐Camilo Zamudio)、钢琴Melissa Evans Tierra、摄影师王泽昊、电声与媒体执行张涵,演员由作曲郭艺帆本人担任。


  • Steven Schick、Palimpsest室内乐团、Melissa EvansTierra、郭艺帆、张涵、王泽昊 | 加州大学圣地亚哥分校 Conrad Prebys Concert Hall | 12/7/2023